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Order by date | Order by rating FAN BOY BATTLES THE GOBLINS... Shouldn't you help \ *smack* _ ,~ him with a spell _ _.--._ / /| /| , or whatever? ^oo( ( ) | OO' ..~ -- ( .- _)-T " \ .<<. _____`(___.__) ____________________ |__\\ /_\ _____ Awww.. but I can't use So you'd rather *slice* / this wand. It looks_ ,~ have your best \ .---.-. really silly. ` /| /| , friend hacked _( (_ ) - * OO' ..~ into pieces? - ( _ _,'- |-" \ .<<. `(__)-'oo ____________________ |__\\ /_\ _______ OK.. Hey, wait.. Since when do you care about Fan Boy? | You saw what I did to that | third goblin, right? Yeah? | | Wanna see it again? I'll start working | *b1ff* / on that spell now. _ ,~ Good idea. \ .----. ` |\ /| ,' ,' )-. 'OO --~ - ( -. ) / " .<<. jg `-(____)_.' ___________________ //__| /_\ _______ |
Copyright © 2001-2005 Joaquim Gândara. Fan art copyright © their respective owners.